Marijuana use is on the rise throughout the United States, with multiple states, including Connecticut, having legalized the drug for recreational use. This has raised concerns about roadway safety, since driving while under the influence of marijuana can be just as dangerous as driving while under the influence of alcohol. While police may be on the lookout for people who drive while high, determining whether a person is intoxicated and can be charged with DUI is often easier said than done.
As police take steps to address marijuana intoxication, more people may be arrested for DUI. Fortunately, there are defenses available in these situations, and people who are charged with marijuana DUI may be able to challenge the evidence against them and avoid convictions. In these situations, it is important to work with an East Hartford, CT criminal defense attorney who understands police procedures, testing reliability, and ideal defense strategies.
Roadway safety is an ongoing concern in Connecticut. According to the Connecticut Department of Transportation, there were nearly 95,000 car accidents in the state in 2024, and 328 people were killed in these accidents. Law enforcement officials and legislators are looking to reduce these numbers, and to do so, several new laws have been proposed that will address issues such as drunk driving, distracted driving, and other unsafe behaviors.
Because of the ways law enforcement is cracking down on drivers who are accused of violating traffic laws, people who have been charged with serious violations will need to understand their options for defense. Representation from an experienced Connecticut criminal defense attorney can be essential in these situations, ensuring that steps can be taken to minimize fines or other penalties.
During the last 20 years, awareness of police misconduct has risen. Since smartphones have allowed people to easily record videos of police officers, many incidents have been shared in which police have used excessive force. As people have called for police reform, asking for officers who engage in conduct to be punished, some efforts have been made to address these issues. However, after President Donald Trump took office for the second time, he has taken a more pro-police stance. One notable change he made was to shut down a database used to help prevent officers who had engaged in misconduct from being re-hired by other organizations.
This action, along with other steps taken by the Trump Administration, has caused criminal justice advocates to raise concerns, and unfortunately, the people who are most likely to be affected by these changes are citizens who are harmed by police misconduct. People who have their rights violated by police during criminal cases will need to take steps to address these issues, and they can do so with the help of a Connecticut criminal defense attorney who is willing to stand up against illegal and unethical law enforcement practices.
When a person is accused of a crime, they may face criminal charges based on violations of certain laws, and the penalties they could face will depend on the specific violations they allegedly committed. However, there are some situations where people may face additional charges related to accusations of being involved in a criminal enterprise. In these cases, racketeering charges may apply, and a person may be prosecuted under a law known as RICO.
Charges related to racketeering are often much more serious than allegations of individual crimes. These offenses may be prosecuted at the state or federal level, and cases can become complex due to the involvement of different government agencies and the interaction between state and federal laws. When defending against RICO charges, it is crucial to secure representation from an attorney who has experience representing clients in these types of cases.
Since President Donald Trump has assumed office, his administration has stepped up efforts to remove illegal and undocumented immigrants from the United States. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has detained thousands of people, and the administration is looking to increase these efforts and perform more deportations.
As ICE performs raids of people’s homes and workplaces and arrests or detains people who are suspected of being illegal immigrants, many people have raised concerns about potential violations of people’s rights. For people who want to combat abuses of authority and help uphold the U.S. Constitution, filming ICE agents or other law enforcement officials is one of the most effective methods.
People who take videos of law enforcement officers will need to understand their rights. In situations where people’s rights are violated or they are arrested while engaging in constitutionally-protected actions, a Connecticut defense attorney with experience addressing law enforcement misconduct can be an invaluable ally. A lawyer can provide a defense against criminal charges while taking action to hold law enforcement officials responsible for violations they have committed.
As Donald Trump took office for his second term as President of the United States, one of his first acts was to sign a bill passed by Congress known as the Laken Riley Act. This law follows Trump’s goals of cracking down on illegal immigration by requiring immigrants to be detained when they are arrested for certain crimes. While the stated purpose of the law is to improve public safety in the United States, critics are concerned that it will cause more harm than good.
Because of the issues that immigrants are likely to face when they are arrested and charged with crimes, legal representation is crucial in these situations. A Connecticut attorney who has a strong understanding of how criminal defense intersects with immigration matters can provide legal help, working to defend against a conviction and protect a person’s rights.
People who interact with police officers expect them to behave ethically. Even when they are investigating serious crimes, they should follow certain rules and procedures to make sure people’s rights are protected. For example, most people would agree that beating a suspect until they confess to a crime should not be allowed. However, even if physical violence during interrogations may not be permitted, police use a variety of other methods that are coercive and abusive, and this has led to people being wrongfully convicted after confessing to crimes that they did not commit.
One prominent example of abusive police tactics involves Amanda Knox, a college student who was convicted of murder in Italy. Her case is similar to many instances of abusive police tactics in the United States. Because of the methods police often use, anyone who is being questioned should be sure to exercise their right to an attorney. With a skilled Connecticut criminal defense lawyer on your side, you can make sure you are not treated unfairly or unethically, and you can take steps to defend against any charges you may face.
In the United States, people rely on law enforcement officials to uphold justice. Police officers are supposed to investigate crimes using the resources available to them and perform arrests based on valid, reliable evidence. Unfortunately, many officers fail to uphold this ideal, and they often take shortcuts or make assumptions that can lead to false arrests.
Police have come to rely on technology, including facial recognition systems that identify suspects using artificial intelligence (AI), without verifying that the information provided by these systems is correct. As a result, many people face arrests, criminal charges, and imprisonment based on shoddy police work.
People who are arrested and charged with crimes often face an uphill battle as they respond to accusations. Even when someone can show that they did not commit an offense, they may struggle to argue against technological systems that are considered infallible. Representation by a skilled Hartford, CT criminal defense attorney is crucial in these situations. An experienced lawyer can help ensure that a person’s rights are protected as they defend against a criminal conviction.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a mental disorder that more and more people have become aware of in recent decades. While this disorder is commonly thought of as an issue that affects children, its effects can persist into adulthood. Those who struggle with ADHD may have trouble maintaining employment, and they may turn to criminal activity, which can lead to arrests, convictions, and prison sentences. Unfortunately, a lack of treatment can often make things worse, and after being released, people with ADHD are more likely to reoffend.
For people who are facing criminal charges or prisoners who are looking to re-enter society after serving their sentences, it is important to make sure issues related to ADHD are addressed correctly. During a criminal case, an experienced criminal defense attorney can help demonstrate the ways mental health issues may have affected a person’s actions, arguing for leniency and ensuring that the defendant can receive the proper treatment. A skilled Hartford, CT criminal defense lawyer can advocate for the rights of prisoners, helping them get treatment for ADHD and making sure they will be able to live productive lives after being released.
The justice system in the United States is supposed to treat people fairly and humanely. People who are convicted of crimes may be punished by sentences in prison, but while they are in custody, they should be safe and free from harm. Unfortunately, that is not always the case, and the recent closure of several federal prisons shows that the government is struggling to honor its commitment to justice.
People who are charged with crimes will need to understand how to protect their rights as they defend against convictions. A skilled Hartford, CT criminal defense attorney can serve as an invaluable partner in the pursuit of justice. In addition to defending against criminal charges, a lawyer can help address violations of a person’s rights while they are incarcerated and work with prisoners to seek clemency when it may be available.