What Is RICO, and When Can a Person Face Racketeering Charges?
Filming ICE and Law Enforcement Can Help Protect People’s Rights
Laken Riley Act May Affect Immigrants Who Face Criminal Charges
Amanda Knox’s Story Highlights Coercive Police Interrogation Tactics
Why Are Police Departments Across the U.S. Under Federal Investigation?
Prosecutorial Misconduct May Affect Jury Selection in Criminal Cases
Sex Offender Registration Causes Difficulties After Leaving Prison
Why Are People Charged With Federal Crimes Held in Jail Before Trial?
Could Using a Digital Driver’s License Lead to Self-Incrimination? | Connecticut
Tyreek Hill Incident Raises Concerns About Police Misconduct
Reports Show Increases in Police Violence in the United States
Can "Second Look" Laws Allow Prisoners to Be Released Early?
DNA Tests Allow for Sexual Assault Convictions to Be Reversed
Supreme Court Addresses Restraining Orders and Firearm Possession
Supreme Court Upholds Right to Sue Police for Malicious Prosecution
Why Is the Number of Elderly Prisoners Increasing in the U.S.?
How Can Criminal Convictions Affect a Person’s Immigration Status?
How Reverse Searches Can Be Used by Police to Obtain Evidence
People Exonerated of Crimes Work Together With Victims to Heal
How Faulty Bite Mark and Hair Analysis Can Lead to Wrongful Convictions
New Connecticut Traffic Stop Policies May Reduce Racial Profiling
Changes to Sentencing Guidelines May Allow for Sentence Reductions
How Social Media Use Can Lead to Violence and Criminal Charges
How Has the First Step Act Helped Reduce Mass Incarceration?
Defendants Struggle to Receive Adequate Legal Representation
New DNA Collection Methods May Play a Role in Criminal Cases
Problems Faced by People With Mental Illnesses During Criminal Cases
New Laws and Recent Court Rulings Address Firearm Ownership Rights
How Does Police Violence Affect Victims and Others in the Community?
Connecticut Updates Bail Thresholds for People Facing Criminal Charges
Could the Supreme Court Take Away the Rights of Criminal Defendants?
How Can Victims’ Rights Be Protected in the Criminal Justice System?
The Fentanyl Epidemic May Lead to Changes in U.S. Drug Policies
How Does Facial Recognition Technology Affect Criminal Cases?
Policy Changes May Affect Commutations for Prisoners in Connecticut
Flawed Forensic Science: Bite Mark Analysis Can Lead to Wrongful Convictions
Does Drug Use Invalidate a Person’s Second Amendment Rights?
Should Youthful Offenders Receive a “Second Look” at Prison Sentences?
Should Prison Sentences in the United States Be Limited to 20 Years?
How Can Data Collected by Law Enforcement Affect Criminal Cases?
How Often Is “Junk Science” Used During Criminal Prosecutions?
Can a Criminal Sentence Be Increased Even After an Acquittal?
Indiana Courts Question Validity of Sex Offender Registration Laws
Is Home Confinement a Good Alternative to Incarceration in Prison?
Federal Prisoners Struggle to Receive Relief Under the First Step Act
Appeals Court Addresses Sentencing for Child Pornography Offenses
How Can Blood Alcohol Concentration Affect DUI Arrests and Charges?
Advocates Seek to Limit Cases Where Juveniles Are Tried as Adults
Director of Federal Bureau of Prisons Seeks to Implement Reforms
Can Child Protective Services Search a Home Without a Warrant?
Is Electronic Monitoring an Effective Punishment for Crimes?
Should the Purpose of Prison Be Punishment or Rehabilitation?
Racial Inequities Continue to Affect the U.S. Criminal Justice System
How Often Do People Die While in the Custody of Law Enforcement?
What Is Jury Nullification, and How Does it Affect Criminal Cases?
Should the Use of Solitary Confinement Be Reduced in U.S. Prisons?
Privacy Advocates Raise Concerns About Mass Surveillance by Police
Are Juvenile Offenders Subject to Cruel and Unusual Punishment?
Does the Federal Bureau of Prisons Earn Profits From Prisoners’ Money?
Can Law Enforcement Access DNA Used to Screen Infants for Diseases?
Are U.S. Citizens Protected Against Civil Rights Violations by Federal Officers?
Can Police Obtain Video Footage from Doorbell Cameras Without a Warrant?
How False Claims of Child Abuse Can Lead to Wrongful Convictions
Supreme Court Ruling May Lead to Increased Gun Violence in the U.S.
Can Residents of Connecticut Purchase and Use Recreational Marijuana?
Court Ruling Addresses Right to an Attorney in Police Interrogations
Drug Overdoses Increase Due to Widespread Availability of Fentanyl
Can Criminal Records for Juvenile Offenders Be Kept Confidential?
Has Wire Fraud Become More Common During the COVID-19 Pandemic?
Report Reveals Racial Disparities in Connecticut Criminal Cases
How Often Are Innocent Bystanders Injured or Killed in Police Chases?
How Recent Court Decisions May Affect Warrantless Searches by Police
“Routine” Traffic Stops May Involve Racial Profiling and Police Misconduct
How Is Facial Recognition Technology Used in Criminal Cases?
How Can the Use of Courthouse Therapy Dogs Affect Criminal Trials?
People Have Trouble Recognizing Lies. How Does This Affect Criminal Cases?
How Often Do False Confessions Lead to Criminal Convictions?
Online Trials May Not Be a Good Alternative to Delayed Jury Trials
How Collateral Consequences Can Affect People Convicted of Crimes
Can Connecticut Inmates Receive a Discretionary Release Due to COVID-19?
Are Geofence Warrants That Track Cell Phone Data Unconstitutional?
Criminal Trials Delayed in Connecticut Due to Concerns About COVID-19
Are People With Mental Illness More Likely to Be Killed by the Police?
Clearing Criminal Records Can Help Address Racial Inequities in the Justice System
How Can a Police Interrogation Lead to a False Confession for a Crime?
New Congressional Bill Proposes Changes to Civil Asset Forfeiture Laws
Can My Cell Phone Usage Be Evidence in My Connecticut Criminal Case?
When Can a Person Be Charged With Computer Crimes or Hacking in Connecticut?
COVID-19 Travel Checkpoints Spark Concern About Rights and Violations
Concern Rises for Inmates in Connecticut Prisons as COVID-19 Spreads
When Can a Person Be Charged With Risk of Injury to a Minor?