Hartford Burglary Attorneys

Connecticut Robbery Lawyers

Woolf & Ross Law Firm, LLC, Attorneys at Law, defend a variety of theft crimes, including burglary, robbery, and larceny offenses on both state and federal levels.

In Connecticut, someone can be charged with burglary when there is attempted or actual breaking and entering of premises such as a house, retail store, restaurant, or gas station. The severity of the fine and possible jail time increases as the value of the items stolen increases.

Burglary or Robbery with Weapons

Theft crimes can also be considered felony offenses. Robbery (armed or otherwise) is a felony where something is intentionally taken by force and against the will of the person in possession of the stolen item(s).

In order to possess a gun (pistols, guns, revolvers, etc.) in Connecticut one must first obtain a permit from their local police department and in most instances the State Police. Carrying a pistol-revolver without a permit carries a minimum mandatory one (1) year jail sentence.

If you have a prior felony conviction, carrying a pistol, revolver, etc. is prohibited and carries a lengthy prison sentence.

There are limited exceptions to possessing a pistol/revolver, etc. without a permit (i.e. in one’s “home” or “place of work”). These exceptions are extremely limited and one ought to consult with an Attorney prior to obtaining a gun without a permit. Certain assault weapons are prohibited by Connecticut law, with few limited exceptions requiring special permits.

Woolf & Ross Law Firm, LLC, in East Hartford, Connecticut, defend individuals charged with all types of theft charges, from robbery to petty theft. For over 20 years, we have handled thousands of criminal cases throughout Connecticut.

Contact our Hartford Criminal Defense Attorneys to set up a free initial consultation. At the initial consultation we will explain to you how we intend to proceed with your matter, as well as our fee for representing you. We accept all major credit card - MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover.

We are available by appointment during evening and weekend hours, if necessary.
Call 860-290-8690.
Logo Image 50 Founders Plaza
East Hartford, CT 06108
Phone: 860-290-8690
Fax: 860-290-8697
We are available by appointment during evening and weekend hours, if necessary.

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