The majority of the companies in the world have a main goal of making money, while cutting costs and overhead. If you are an employee who is directly responsible for helping the company profits to increase and you are not performing up to task, your job may be on the line. Sometimes the pressures and circumstances are so intense that you will do whatever is necessary to keep your job and sometimes those actions can be illegal.
If this is the case, you should contact a white collar crime lawyer immediately. Many times, the individuals charged with a white collar crime do not realize that they may face serious state and/or federal criminal penalties or that there are potential defenses to these alleged crimes. Woolf & Ross Law Firm, LLC has handled hundreds of criminal defense cases in every Connecticut state and federal court.
We provide skilled legal counsel to individuals, employees, employers and business owners accused of fraud, identity theft and other white collar crimes. We also represent professionals who are under investigation for criminal activity. We provide thorough representation to clients throughout Connecticut, the state of Florida, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (state and Federal) and New York State (federal only).
Our criminal defense law firm is skilled handling all types of state and federal white collar crime charges, including:
This is a new and fast growing area of criminal law in which law enforcement authorities are devoting more and more resources and paying increasing attention to. As such, state and federal lawmakers are continuously passing new laws in this area to keep up with modern technology and the courts are continuously having to deal with new and unique issues in this area. Our law firm is at the forefront of the legal issues surrounding white collar crime. We are experienced handling various computer crime charges, such as identity theft, internet solicitation of minors, possession/distribution of child pornography and other computer crimes. (Learn more about crimes against children.)
Many law enforcement authorities have special units devoted entirely to this area of the law who are highly trained to find almost anything contained on a computer's hard drive. Notwithstanding all the software programs available today, which claim their ability to "erase" a hard drive's history and content, these don't totally eliminate the history from highly skilled law enforcement investigators who are trained to look and reach into places on a computer's hard drive unknown to the average or even the above average computer savvy person.
Most computer related crimes are felonies and carry very lengthy prison terms. Therefore, it is critical to have skilled legal counsel.
When a criminal investigation arises, it can be tempting to eliminate potential evidence and/or tamper with potential witnesses, which may be detrimental to their case. However, it is important to understand the rules regarding evidence or witness tampering. Individuals who destroy materials, who knew - or should have known - that the materials ought to be used or may be used as evidence to a crime, are in fact committing a separate and distinct crime by destroying the evidence or tampering with witnesses.
If you are involved in white collar crime investigations or are facing criminal allegations for identity theft or other crime, we can help. Contact our Connecticut white collar crime defense lawyer for a free initial consultation.
We also offer evening and weekend consultations and offer both Flat Fee and Hourly Rate/Retainer plans. We accept all major credit cards - MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Discover.