New Law May Make DUI a Deportable Offense

 Posted on March 27, 2025 in DUI

Hartford, CT criminal efense lawyerSince President Donald Trump assumed office for his second term, one of his primary focuses has been to crack down on illegal immigration. The Trump administration has taken steps to detain and deport undocumented immigrants, and it has also taken action against people who entered the United States legally or had valid Green Cards. Lawmakers are joining in this effort by attempting to pass laws that will allow for the deportation of more immigrants, including a potential new law that could make people convicted of DUI inadmissible and deportable.

This new law will make it more important than ever for immigrants who are charged with DUI to receive legal representation and defend against convictions. A skilled and experienced Connecticut criminal defense attorney can provide guidance on the best ways to address these charges and prevent issues that could lead to deportation.

What Is the Protect Our Communities From DUIs Act?

Republican lawmakers have introduced legislation that is meant to address the risks to public safety presented by immigrants who drive while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The Protect Our Communities From DUIs Act would amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to state that a person who has been convicted of DUI or who has committed an offense of driving while intoxicated will be inadmissible to the United States and deportable. Because of the Republican majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate, this bill is likely to pass and be signed into law by President Trump.

While certain crimes are considered deportable offenses, these are mostly limited to felonies. In most cases, DUI is a misdemeanor for a first offense, so a conviction would not typically result in deportation. If the Protect Our Communities From DUIs Act passes, any DUI offenses could lead immigrants to be detained and deported. However, the question of whether the law will only apply to new DUI offenses has not yet been settled. Depending on how the law is interpreted, people who have been convicted of DUI in the past could potentially be detained by immigration officials, and they may be required to leave the United States, even if they are permanent residents who have been living in the country for years.

While the stated purpose of this law is to protect public safety, the threat presented by immigrants who drive while intoxicated appears to be overblown. A study by the Cato Institute found that there is no statistically significant relationship between drunk driving deaths and illegal immigration. Cities or states with more illegal immigrants do not see any increase in DUI cases in which people are killed in accidents. In fact, studies have also shown that both legal and undocumented immigrants commit fewer crimes overall, and crime rates are lower in areas with large numbers of immigrants.

Because of the increased scrutiny placed on immigrants, those who have been arrested and charged with DUI or other offenses will need to determine their best options for defending against convictions. An attorney who understands how criminal cases can affect a person’s immigration status can be an invaluable ally in these situations. With guidance from a skilled and experienced criminal defense lawyer, a person can take steps to resolve their case in ways that minimize criminal penalties and avoid convictions that could potentially lead to deportation.

Contact Our Hartford, CT DUI Defense Lawyers

An arrest for drunk driving can be frightening for anyone, but immigrants who face DUI charges may be at risk of losing their legal status in the United States. It is crucial to secure legal representation from a lawyer who has experience addressing these charges while avoiding potential immigration issues. At Woolf & Ross Law Firm, LLC, our East Hartford, CT DUI defense attorneys are here to help with these cases, and we can provide the legal help needed to protect the rights of immigrants who have been charged with deportable offenses. To set up a free consultation and get the defense you need, contact us at 860-290-8690.

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